2011-06-30 - Two Tracks, Two Laps


~8 miles @ ~9.8 min/mi

Sandy's hair glows like a halo, backlit by the sun as we run west along Forest Glen Rd. The shadow of my beard on the ground ahead sticks out on each side of my chin. Earlier a young lady's long braids bounce eye-catchingly as they hang down in front.

The run begins from home and follows Dale Dr to the Silver Spring International Middle School (SSMIS): ancient asphalt track, ~20 walkers, old bleachers disassembled. One lap takes 1:48. Then upstream on Sligo Creek back to Colesville Rd, to Blair High School, where I find the track by the Beltway and do a 1:46 lap before heading for home. At Sligo Creek's crossing of Forest Glen Rd near Holy Cross Hospital I meet Sandy as she branches off from the upstream path. "Good hill!" I say as I pass, after letting her pull me along. We chat; each confesses to going faster than normal, given today's friendly company. I recommend MCRRC training groups and summer races. Sandy (Sandra Kweder?) remembers doing the club New Year's Resolution 5k. At the old cemetery she turns toward home.

(cf. GPS trackfile) - ^z - 2011-07-14